Team Piper and Team Pelican from Warren-Walker Middle School:

Team Piper & Team Pelican from Warren-Walker Middle School

On April 27th, Warren-Walker Middle School sent two teams to participate in the San Diego Regional SeaPerch Qualifying Tournament.  SeaPerch is an underwater robotics program where WWMS students, under the guidance of Mr. Pashkow, designed and built ROV robots that would be required to complete a variety of underwater tasks.  There were several components to the competition including a presentation of their design, an underwater obstacle course and an underwater task called The Heist. Warren-Walker Middle School, along with about 22 teams from other schools and robotics programs in the region competed for a seat at the National Competition at the University of Southern Mississippi. Only the top four teams from the Regional Qualifier would be advancing to the finals.

Warren-Walker’s two teams performed magnificently!  Team Piper did an excellent job on the Obstacle Course event with a time of less than 2 minutes and a near perfect score in The Heist.  This team was the front runner for much of the day.  Team Pelican started off with a bit of trouble in the practice round and had to completely disassemble and re-design their ROV just moments before they broke the all-time record for the Obstacle Course, with the fastest time to date of 1 minute 22 seconds!  At the end of the day, the two Warren-Walker teams took 2nd and 3rd place in the overall competition, each earning an invitation to the National SeaPerch Competition on May 17th at the University of Southern Mississippi!  Congratulations to both teams!

SeaPerch ROV Robots:

SeaPerch ROV Robots

Team Piper:

Team Piper from Warren-Walker Middle School

Team Pelican:

Team Pelican from Warren-Walker Middle School

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