David Schrunk on The Systems Engineering Approach to the Design of Laws
Abstract: This presentation discusses the application of the methodologies of systems engineering to the design of laws of government. The systems engineering approach will bring the knowledge and expertise of investigative science and engineering to bear upon the design, operation, follow up evaluation, and optimization of laws that effectively solve societal problems. Of significance, the creation and simulation of engineering models of laws will be a multidisciplinary effort that includes experts from all relevant fields such as software engineering, law, economics, political science, sociology, and statistics. The systems engineering approach to the creation of laws promises to advance the science of laws, establish quality standards for laws and lawmaking, transform lawmaking into a knowledge industry, and improve the ability of governments to satisfy their public benefit purpose.
About the Speaker: David G. Schrunk is an engineer and medical doctor. He supervised quality programs in radiology and nuclear medicine during his practice of medicine in the Palomar-Pomerado Health Care System from 1975 to 1994. Dr. Schrunk is the president of the Quality of Laws Institute of Poway, California, and is the author of the book, THE END OF CHAOS: Quality Laws and the Ascendancy of Democracy.
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6256 Greenwich Dr, Room 312
San Diego, CA 92122