Time: 5:15 PM for networking; 5:30 PM for dinner; 6:00 PM for the program
Where: Giovanni’s Italian Restaurant, 9353 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego 92123
Cost for Dinner: $5 for INCOSE members; $10 for non-members (pay upon your arrival)
Remote Access Web Address: https://incose.pgimeet.com/GlobalmeetNine
Access Number: 1-719-867-1571
Guest Passcode: 940 973 4856
PDUs: Earn 1 PDU towards your SEP recertification by attending the presentation
Speaker: Rick Steiner
Topic: The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) was originally designed to treat system requirements in a very simplistic way, capturing only the requirement’s name, unique ID, and text string. While this is very compatible with most requirements management tools, it is not very satisfactory in dealing with complex requirements that refer to physical relationships and properties. In particular, the growing sophistication of parametric modeling and analysis using SysML has highlighted the need to express numerical requirements more explicitly. The SysML Revision Task Force (RTF) has been exploring more robust ways of representing requirements, including incorporation of typed values and equations. While this seems simple on the surface, the implications of these new requirement attributes can be significant and potentially ambiguous. This presentation will provide an overview of the preferred approaches to incorporating property based requirements in SysML models, and will touch on some of the advantages and pitfalls of adding this capability into the SysML language.