Agility in the Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE) – An INCOSE Initiative (Wednesday, 23 Dec, 2020)

Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE)

(This event is open to all, including non-members.)

This event will be VIRTUAL.


Please join us for a workshop-like discussion on the INCOSE Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE) initiative Agility project, being attended to by the INCOSE Agile Systems and Systems Engineering (AS&SE) Working Group (WG). An INCOSE team has been meeting to identify foundational concepts in need of development: nine (9) have been identified.

* NOTE – This event will ALSO include a brief overview of the System Security Engineering Working Group.

When: Wednesday, December 23rd, 6 – 7:30pm Pacific Time (the web conference will start at 5:45pm).
Where: Virtual/online
Cost: Free
Webcast Details: This presentation will use the ZOOM webinar software. Please use the following to log in:


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Abstract: AS&SE Working Group and Fuse. The Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE) is an INCOSE initiative pursuing INCOSE’s Vision 2025 and beyond. To accomplish this the FuSE initiative encompasses a number of topic areas with active projects to shape the future of systems engineering. The Agile Systems & SE working group is addressing the FuSE Agility topic area, and has identified a roadmap of nine foundational concepts for building the agility vision. A brief overview of the nine concepts will be presented and then a workshop-like activity will address open aspects of one or two of them.

The following nine concepts will be overviewed:

1. System of Innovation
2. Technical Oversight for Agile Projects
3. Engaging Stakeholders
4. Agility Across Organizational Boundaries
5. Orchestrating Agility with Long Lead Components
6. Continual Integration
7. Orchestrating Agile Operations
8. Quantifying Agility for Agile Operations
9. Harmonizing Risk in Agile Operations

You can download the full data sheet here.

Abstract: System Security Engineering Working Group – A Brief Overview.   The Systems Security Engineering working group was founded in 2007 and has won two INCOSE awards. This talk will present an overview of the working group charter and its project history, and then briefly review one project in process: Security in the Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE). The working group has identified a roadmap of eleven foundational concepts for building the security aspects of the INCOSE vision. A brief overview of the eleven concepts will be presented.


Speaker: Mr. Rick Dove, Chair of the INCOSE Agile Systems Working Group

Rick Dove chairs the INCOSE Working Group for Agile Systems and Systems Engineering (AS&SE). He is an adjunct professor at Stevens Institute of Technology teaching graduate courses in fundamental concepts that enable and facilitate agility in systems and in systems engineering. He is an INCOSE Fellow and the author of Response Ability – the Structure, Language, and Culture of the Agile Enterprise.


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