Due to popular demand, this August, there will be a INCOSE Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP)/Associate Systems Engineering Professional (ASEP) preparation course/boot camp here in San Diego. This course begins on August 18th.
This unique Boot Camp consists of 2 weekends of Instruction followed by a simulated 2-hour CSEP/ASEP exam on the 3rd weekend preparing the candidates to pass the INCOSE exam on the 4th weekend. The training is based on the latest 4th edition of the INCOSE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING HANDBOOK and contains 100s of real exam-like practice questions.
Please see the flyer at:
CSEP Course Description and INCOSE Discount Rate Flyer
This course is DISCOUNTED for INCOSE members! Please contact John Wood at jwood@calipm.org or 866-624-9992 x103 for questions.
For more information on INCOSE certifications, see Which Certification Is Right For Me.