INCOSE San Diego Chapter hosts Second Annual Engineering Night on-board the USS Midway Museum to raise awareness of STEM needs in our local schools.
February 17, 2013 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
The San Diego Chapter of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), along with the INCOSE Foundation, hosted the second annual San Diego Engineering Night on February 17, 2013, at the USS Midway Museum in downtown San Diego. Affectionately called “Geek Night,” this event is dedicated to raising Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) awareness and funds for local K-12 schools in the San Diego region.
This fundraising event was established to help science, technology, engineering, and mathematics programs that have been cut or are in danger of being cut due to budget shortfalls in local schools. The programs, better known as STEM, are designed to interest and excite students about careers in technical and scientific fields such as systems engineering. This year’s event raised $14,732 through generous contributions from individuals and corporations. Last year, these contributions resulted in awards to 10 San Diego area schools. This year, the San Diego Chapter of INCOSE plans to make awards to 20 classrooms in the San Diego area. In addition to supporting the fundraising, attendees at the event enjoyed guided tours of the USS Midway (one of America’s longest-serving aircraft carriers), flight simulator rides, a buffet dinner, and a live robotics demonstration hosted by local high school students.
Photos from the Event and Letters of Appreciation from the Schools:
[Letter of Appreciation from Albert Einstein Academy Charter School]