INCOSE San Diego Chapter hosts Third Annual Engineering Night on-board the USS Midway Museum to raise awareness of STEM needs in our local schools.
February 16, 2014 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
The San Diego Chapter of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), along with the San Diego Section of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) and the INCOSE Foundation, are proud to announce we are hosting the third annual San Diego Engineering Night on February 16, 2014, at the USS Midway Museum in Downtown San Diego. The San Diego Engineering Geek Night on the USS Midway Museum is a local industry and academic event dedicated to raising Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) awareness and funds for local K-12 schools in the San Diego region.
The increasing complexity of today’s systems along with a current and projected long-term shortage of qualified workers inspires INCOSE to encourage future generations to pursue systems engineering careers. These fields include aerospace, defense, telecommunications, energy, water and waste management, transportation, homeland and cyber security, and health care.
INCOSE’s goal is to specifically help science, technology, engineering, and mathematics programs that have funding shortfalls in local schools. The programs, better known as STEM, are designed to interest and excite students about careers in technical and scientific fields such as systems engineering. Last year’s fundraising raised $14,500 through generous contributions from Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), Cubic Corporation, and Northrop Grumman. These contributions resulted in awards to 19 San Diego area schools. This year the San Diego INCOSE group has a goal of raising at least $20,000 in order to reach out to more schools in the San Diego region.
Ticket includes:
- USS Midway Museum admission
- Free docent tours
- Free flight simulators
- Local school robotics demo
- Free dinner by Peartrees Catering
- 50-50 raffle to support STEM
- Networking with engineering colleagues
- Fantastic Flight Deck view of San Diego Harbor
Status reports from some of our 2013 awards:
[Poway High School] [Vista Magnet Middle School] [Dingeman Elementary School]