2017 INCOSE San Diego Mini-Conference, Dec 2, 2017

When: Saturday, December 2, 2017 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Location: UCSD Extension University City, 6256 Greenwich Dr. San Diego, CA 92122

Click HERE to register and see the schedule

Attention – please note the date change above. The mini-conference is now scheduled for Dec 2, 2017.

Pricing: Price through Dec 1st (day before event) noontime is $50 INCOSE Members / $60 Non-INCOSE Members / $25 Students. After Dec 1st noontime and at the door, the price is $60 INCOSE Members / $70 Non-INCOSE Members / $35 Students.

Join us for a day of stimulating thought and discussion with fellow professional systems engineers, system engineers in law, and Big Data scientists. The conference is centered on the crucial role of system engineering in practice and more topics as follows:

  • SoS System Engineering
  • Systems Engineering Interoperability – Best Practices
  • Agile and Systems Engineering
  • Science of Laws in System Engineering
  • Big Data Visualization
  • Autonomous Systems
  • and MORE

This year, we also welcome Mr. Greg Shaffer of the Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR) division, U.S. Navy, as our Keynote Speaker.
Keynote: Discussion of the practical application of Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) in large complex systems. MBSE, when considered in the context of Systems Engineering (SE), Systems-of-Systems-Engineering (SoSE) and Enterprise Architecture (EA), provides the opportunity to understand how a product behaves in the larger capability ensuring that it is both resilient and interoperable with other products and meets performance and mission requirements.

To download the full schedule and biographies, please click HERE.

For any questions, please contact our Mini-Conference POC, James C S Meng, Ph.D., at mengjc@ucsd.edu. 858-246-2003 (Office), 202-412-5456 (Cell)

This year, we are also partnering with The Science of Laws Institute on Lawmaking with Systems Engineering Methodologies: How Systems Engineering tools and techniques can be applied to the creation and optimization of the laws of government. For details, see the following: http://sdincose.org/call-for-abstracts-4th-annual-science-of-laws-conference/

The agenda is on the registration page. All interested parties are welcome and encouraged to attend. Broad participation is good for ALL.

REFRESHMENTS: A continental breakfast as well as a lunch of sandwiches and drinks will be provided, and are included in the registration fee*. Please state vegetarian preferences with your registration. * Catering orders close on 10/30 at 4:00 PM, we will purchase a few extra lunches but if you register after 10/30 there is a possibility that you may not have a lunch.

Click HERE to register and see the schedule

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