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Upcoming Presentation!
INCOSE Professional Certification – Isn’t it time you became INCOSE Systems Engineer certified?
Please join us on Wednesday, 23 February for a look at the INCOSE Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) certification program, and how individuals can collaborate in preparing for certification. Presented by Mr. Dave Mason, Expert Systems Engineering Professional (ESEP) and experienced instructor.
About INCOSE Certification: Certification is a formal process whereby a community of knowledgeable, experienced, and skilled representatives of an organization, such as INCOSE, provides confirmation of an individual’s competency (demonstrated knowledge, education, and experience) in a specified profession. Certification differs from licensing in that licenses are permissions granted by a government entity for a person to practice within its regulatory boundaries. Certification also differs from a “certificate” that documents the successful completion of a training or education program. Please see INCOSE’s certification webpages for more details.
Date: Wednesday, 23 February, 2022, 5:30-7:15pm Pacific Time. (Presentation starts at 6pm)
Cost: Free. RSVP here
Location: Virtual
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Presenter:: Mr. Dave Mason, ESEP
Mr. Mason has been a member of INCOSE since 1992 when the joined to understand how to correct failures in product development during his 30 year career. The has transitioned from CSEP to ESEP demonstrating his systems technical and leadership qualities. Mr. Mason has been teaching the SEP certification preparations since 2011.
Please join us on Wednesday February 23 2022 beginning at 6:00 pm PST for a presentation of upcoming training options for INCOSE Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) certification. The presentation will address the values of becoming an INCOSE certified SEP and either of the two distinguished levels. This presentation will be made by Mr. Dave Mason, ESEP and longtime instructor at Project Performance International (PPI).
The first of the two levels is the Associate Systems Engineer Professional (ASEP) designed for entry level system Engineering experience. This certification requires only comprehension of the Body of Knowledge described in the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, and demonstration of this knowledge by passing the certification examination.
The second INCOSE level of certification, the Certified System Engineering Professional (CSEP), demonstrates not only the comprehension of the INCOSE Body of Knowledge but also the individual’s experience in performing System Engineering.
This upcoming presentation is designed to describe the certification process and to how individuals can collaborate to prepare together to learn, present, and reinforce their interpretation of the System Engineering Handbook (SEH). This presentation will also discuss a virtual program to help prepare members for the SEP certification exam, which depending on interest will be offered by the San Diego and/or the Los Angeles chapters of INCOSE.
Please RSVP here.