July 23, 2017


INCOSE San Diego documents available for downloading:

* The INCOSE San Diego Chapter Bylaws (UPDATED, December 2021)

* The INCOSE San Diego Chapter strategic plans, 2024

Mastering Technical Authority, by Mitch Seime, June 2024

Zero Trust Overview, by Dave Voelker, April 2024

Human Systems Integration – What’s In It For Me?, by Frank Lacson, 27 May 2024

Engineering Disasters Unveiled, by Mitch Seime, 21 Feb 2024

► Presentations from the Dec 2nd 2023 INCOSE San Diego/Los Angeles Chapters’ 1-Day Conference:

On the Lovechild of AI and SE, by Dr. Art Villanueva, 15 Nov 2023

Systems Engineering and Photography, by Greg Bulla, 22 Feb 2023

► Presentations from the Dec 3rd, 2022 INCOSE San Diego Mini-Conference:

Elevating your Game from Systems Engineering to System Family Engineering, by Dr. Charles Krueger, Big Lever, 19 Oct 2022

The Benefits of a Requirements Verification Architecture Model, by Mr. Charley Patton, Northrop-Grumman, 21 Sept 2022

Interoperability Evaluation, presented by Mr. Ken Cureton, University of Southern California, 17 Aug 2022

Lessons Learned as a Systems Engineer, presented by Mr. Richard Bryson, Northrop-Grumman, 20 April 2022

Cyber Injection Points in the DevOps Pipeline, presented by Mr. Keith Conway, Northrop-Grumman, 28 July 2021

Introduction to Obtaining SEP Certification, presented by Mr. Dave Mason, 24 March 2021

Agile Working Group and the Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE) Initiative, presented by Mr. Rick Dove, Chair of the INCOSE Agile Systems & Systems Engineering (AS&SE) Working Group. Dec 23, 2020

System Security Engineering Working Group Overview, presented by Mr. Rick Dove, Chair of the INCOSE System Security Engineering Working Group. Dec 23, 2020

► Presentations from the Dec 5th, 2020 INCOSE San Diego Mini-Conference:

OpsHub – Integrate, Automate, Collaborate, Do DevOps , presented by Mr. Vibhuti Bhusha, VP of Products and Marketing at OpsHub. June 20, 2020

DevOps Loop Tutorial, presented by Mr. Richard Clarke of Crafty Penguins. June 20, 2020

Systems Engineering at Amazon Web Services (AWS) – The Micro-servicing of Culture, presented by Mr. Roland Feghali, on June 17, 2020

Hardware-Inclusive DevOps: Improving Engineering Outcomes, presented by Mr. Bryan Smith of the 321 Gang, on Feb 19, 2020

►  MBSE-Working Group, presented by Abbas Rostami on October 23rd, 2019

►  MBSE – A Practical Approach, presented by Charley Patton on Sept 25th, 2019

►  MBSE-SysML Tutorial, presented by Rick Hefner and Jason Wilson on June 23rd, 2019

►  Applying Systems Engineering from Start-up to Grown-up, presented by Abbas Rostami, San Diego INCOSE President, on April 24th, 2019

►  Characteristics of Effective Systems Engineering , presented by Victoria Schaefer, Ed.D., and John Wood, Ph.D., on March 27th, 2019

►  V-Model Approach to K-12 Learning, presented by Ms. Becky McKinney on Feb 27th, 2019

►  Presentations from the Dec 1st, 2018 INCOSE San Diego Mini-Conference:

►  Western States Regional Conference (WSRC) Proceedings – You can now download the 2018 WSRC presentations and proceedings on the main INCOSE site at www.incose.org. To do so, follow the following instructions (you will be required to log into the site):

  1. go to www.incose.org
  2. Click on “Login”
  3. Enter your INCOSE username and password
  4. Click the “Login” button
  5. Click on “Collaboration Portal Connect”
  6. Select “Chapters”
  7. Scroll down and click on the “Wasatch” chapter website
  8. Select “WSRC 2018” on the left side
  9. Navigate through “02-Technical Program” to the zip file named “Proceedings-20180928T160808Z-001.zip” for the full set, or the “Presentations and Recordings” directory for individual presentations.

►  SysML – Past, Present, and Future, presented by Mr. JD Baker on Sept 12th, 2018

►  Application for STEM Award 2018 – Deadline is July 20th, 2018

►  May 2018 Tutorial “Software Defined Systems: A Tutorial on Software Communications Architecture (SCA) V4.1”, presented by Ms Chalena Jimenez

►  April 2018 Presentation “A Better Brew – Benefits of Applying Systems Engineering in the Beer Industry”, Tim Heath, Premier Stainless Systems

►  March 2018 Presentation “Software Process Dynamics”, Dr. Ray Madachy, The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)

►  Application for STEM Award 2017 (Word document) – Deadline is Oct 16, 2017

►  Oct 2017 Presentation “Eligibility of Software Patents”, Rob Cogan, Continuum Law.

►  Sept 2017 Presentation “Achieving More, Paying Less.” The Joint Tactical Networking Center (JTNC) and the Software Communications Architecture (SCA), by Howen Fernando

►  January 2017 Presentation on SysML, by Dr. Ray Madachy